CLASS 4746

CLASS 4746

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.

Fall 18 topic: Archaeology of the Roman Provinces: Art and Archaeology of the Roman provinces as a 'sub-field' of Roman Archaeology has only recently gained traction in US academia, whereas in many European countries it still provides master narratives for national(ist) histories. Yet, in the wake of post-colonialism, the Roman provinces have proven fertile ground for more critical and theoretically informed archaeologies and art histories. What still needs more attention is the connectivity across provinces. The seminar therefore adopts a deliberately decentralized perspective. In looking at landscapes; infra-structure; production sites; military camps; the country side; urban centers; the material culture of domestic life and of the funerary realm, of religion, of gender and ethnicity we will emphasize interaction beyond or evading Rome. Rather than offering a systematic overview, the seminar proposes several lines of inquiry. Their main purpose is to interrogate the validity of several boundaries (geographical, methodological, theoretical, historiographical and institutional) that continue to define the field.

When Offered Fall.

Breadth Requirement (HB)
Distribution Category (HA-AS)

Comments Co-meets with ARKEO 6233/ARTH 6233/CLASS 7746.

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Syllabi: none
  • Topic: Archaeology of the Roman Provinces

  • 17204 CLASS 4746   SEM 101