BSOC 3011

BSOC 3011

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.

Biology and biotechnology are major influences on modern life. In addition, socio-political and historical conditions have shaped biological research and its applications in medicine, agriculture, environmental science, etc. Life science research is itself a social process involving complex human dynamics, different kinds of work and an array of social and natural systems. The course aims to introduce students to critical science and technology studies (S&TS) perspectives on the knowledge and practices of life sciences. The course is designed to prepare students for more advanced courses in the Biology & Society and S&TS majors, but students who do not plan to take further courses in those subjects can get critical insight into biology's profound role in both science and society.

When Offered Fall.

Permission Note Enrollment limited to: senior, junior and sophomore students.

Distribution Category (SBA-AS)

View Enrollment Information

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: STS 3011

  • 4 Credits Graded

  •  5588 BSOC 3011   LEC 001

  • First-Year students not admitted into course.