AMST 1886

AMST 1886

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.

This course introduces students to the growing field of academic Food Studies, providing historical perspective into the development of American culinary culture. Discussions of American cuisine will lead directly into larger concepts of American identity: is there a uniquely American menu? How have restaurants shaped American patterns of sociability and civil rights? What are the 19th century origins of tipping? Students will actively engage with 19th and early 20th century primary source material, including recipes, advertisements, cookbooks, and nutrition manuals.

When Offered Fall.

Distribution Category (HA-AS)

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion. Combined with: HIST 1886

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • 16270 AMST 1886   LEC 001

  • 16271 AMST 1886   DIS 201

  • 16272 AMST 1886   DIS 202

  • 16273 AMST 1886   DIS 203

  • 16274 AMST 1886   DIS 204

  • 16275 AMST 1886   DIS 205

  • 16276 AMST 1886   DIS 206

  • 16277 AMST 1886   DIS 207