ENGRI 1160

ENGRI 1160

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2017-2018.

Introduction to structural engineering in the 21st century-the challenges structural engineers face and the innovative approaches they are using to address them. Using case studies of famous structures, students learn to identify different structural forms and understand how various forms carry load-using principles of statics, mechanics, and material behavior. The historical, economic,social, and political context for each structure is discussed. Case studies of failures are used to explain how structures fail in earthquakes and other extreme events, and students are introduced to analytical and experimental approaches (shake table and wind tunnel testing) to quantifying loads on structures subjected to extreme events. Types of structures considered include skyscrapers, bridges, aircraft, and underground structures.

When Offered Fall.

  • Apply mechanics principles, learn analysis/design process.
  • Design, build, test model structures.
  • Gain experience with working in teams.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: CEE 1160

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • 11132 ENGRI 1160   LEC 001

  • Must register under ENGRI 1160.