CS 1112

CS 1112

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2017-2018.

Programming and problem solving using MATLAB. Emphasizes the systematic development of algorithms and programs. Topics include iteration, functions, arrays, recursion, object-oriented programming, and MATLAB graphics. Assignments are designed to build an appreciation for complexity, dimension, fuzzy data, inexact arithmetic, randomness, simulation, and the role of approximation.

When Offered Fall, spring.

Prerequisites/Corequisites Corequisite: MATH 1110, MATH 1910, or equivalent. Assumes student is comfortable with mathematics (at level of one semester of calculus) but has no prior programming experience.
Forbidden Overlaps Forbidden Overlap: due to a partial overlap in content, students will receive 6 credits instead of 8 if they take CS 1112 and CS 1110.  In addition, students will receive credit for only one course in the following group: CS 1112, CS 1114, CS 1115.

Distribution Category (MQR-AS)

  • Be fluent in the use of procedural statements-assignments, conditional statements, loops, function calls-and arrays. Be able to design, code, and test small MATLAB programs that meet requirements expressed in English. This includes a basic understanding of top-down design.
  • Understand the concepts of object-oriented programming as used in MATLAB: classes, subclasses, inheritance, and overriding.
  • Have knowledge of basic sorting and searching algorithms.
  • Have a working familiarity with graphics tools in MATLAB.

View Enrollment Information

  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion.

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 11284 CS 1112   LEC 001

  • 11285 CS 1112   LEC 002

  • 11286 CS 1112   DIS 201

  • 11287 CS 1112   DIS 202

  • 11288 CS 1112   DIS 203

  • 11839 CS 1112   DIS 204

  • 11289 CS 1112   DIS 205

  • 11290 CS 1112   DIS 206

  • 11291 CS 1112   DIS 207

  • 11840 CS 1112   DIS 208

  • 11292 CS 1112   DIS 209

  • 11293 CS 1112   DIS 210