ARTH 6233

ARTH 6233

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2014-2015.

Topic for fall 2014: Reproducing Greek and Roman Art Since its inception in classical antiquity the creation of art has been intricately linked to practices of copying and reproduction. This class will investigate the question from different angles, a historical, a theoretical and a practical one. The historical approach focuses on what has been called the invention of art history in connection with various techniques of replication, reproduction, imitation and appropriation. The theoretical approach will discuss notions of "original" and "copy", "authenticity" as well as the "simulacrum" within and beyond an ancient context. Finally, the practical component will entail the documentation for a database (photography, archival work, scholarly research, bibliography) and restoration of some of Cornell's plaster casts. This collection, assembled in the 19th century explicitly for an academic context and once among the largest of its kind in the United States, is today in very bad condition. The seminar is one step among many of a recently initiated research project to rescue and reappraise this precious resource.

When Offered Fall.

Comments Co-meets with ARKEO 4233/ARTH 4233/CLASS 4746.

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Syllabi: none
  • Topic: Reproducing Greek & Roman Art

  •  9252 ARTH 6233   SEM 101

  • Instruction Mode: