LAW 7403

LAW 7403

Course information provided by the Courses of Study 2018-2019.

Law constitutes money and finance, while money and finance drive the macroeconomic dynamics that bring us growth, employment, and long term wealth accumulation. Opinions have long varied, however, over just how money and finance shape macroeconomic phenomena, and thus over what legal and institutional structures are best suited to yielding financial and macroeconomic optima. This course, co-taught by a financially trained and experienced lawyer and a legally trained and experienced financier, both with backgrounds in macroeconomics, critically examines the linkages among law, money, and financial macrodynamics, as well as the thought of some leading thinkers and policymakers in these fields over the past century or so. Each week students will have read, and will actively discuss, several assigned texts. All class sessions will be led by the two instructors, but we hope during some weeks to bring in distinguished guest speakers as well, ideally including one or two Nobel Laureates.

When Offered Fall.

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • 18367 LAW 7403   SEM 101