Medieval Studies (MEDVL)Arts and Sciences

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Course descriptions provided by the Courses of Study 2016-2017.

MEDVL 1101

No description available. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS: Reading Medvl Legends-Heroism that Never Was?

  • 17519 MEDVL 1101   SEM 101

  • For more information about First-Year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS:The Briton’s Britain-Constructing Mdvl England

  • 17520 MEDVL 1101   SEM 102

  • For more information about First-Year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS: Traveling People / Stories in the Medieval Wo

  • 17521 MEDVL 1101   SEM 103

  • For more information about First-Year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS: Gods and Kings in the Middle Ages and Beyond

  • 17522 MEDVL 1101   SEM 104

  • For more information about First-Year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS: Young Idiots vs. Toxic Elders

  • 17523 MEDVL 1101   SEM 105

  • For more information about First-Year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS:Parchment to Pixel-Future Lives of Medvl Books

  • 17524 MEDVL 1101   SEM 106

  • For more information about First-Year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

MEDVL 1740

This course explores the history of imperial China between the 3rd century b.c.e. and the 16th century c.e. with a focus on the following questions:  How did imperial Chinese states go about politically ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion. Combined with: ASIAN 1174CAPS 1740HIST 1740

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 10046 MEDVL 1740   LEC 001

  • 10102 MEDVL 1740   DIS 201

  • 10103 MEDVL 1740   DIS 202

  • 10104 MEDVL 1740   DIS 203

  • 10105 MEDVL 1740   DIS 204

MEDVL 2170

This course explores major texts and themes of the Hispanic tradition from the 11th to the 17th centuries. We will examine general questions on literary analysis and the relationship between literature ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: LATA 2170SPAN 2170

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  8225 MEDVL 2170   SEM 101

MEDVL 2355

Survey lecture course covering the creation, encoding, and reception of Medieval (roughly AD 500-1500) European, Byzantine, and Islamic architecture, ornament, manuscripts, liturgical and luxury objects.  ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion. Combined with: ARTH 2355

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 18029 MEDVL 2355   LEC 001

  • 18030 MEDVL 2355   DIS 201

  • 18031 MEDVL 2355   DIS 202

MEDVL 2642

Symmetry and harmony are central aesthetic concepts built on a long history of mathematical exploration, not just in the European mathematical tradition but also in mathematical texts from China, India, ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: CLASS 2642MUSIC 2642

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • 18035 MEDVL 2642   LEC 001

MEDVL 2695

This course offers an introduction to the history of Christianity from the first century through the seventeenth and perhaps a bit beyond. Our emphasis will be on the diversity of Christian traditions, ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: CLASS 2636NES 2695RELST 2695

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 18058 MEDVL 2695   LEC 001

MEDVL 3120

In recent years, Beowulf has received renewed attention in popular culture, thanks to the production of two recent Beowulf movies and riveting new translations (eg. Seamus Heaney). The poem's appeal lies ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENGL 3120ENGL 6120MEDVL 6120

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  8222 MEDVL 3120   SEM 101

MEDVL 3316

Old Norse is a collective term for the earliest North Germanic literary languages: Old Icelandic, Old Norwegian, Old Danish, and Old Swedish. The richly documented Old Icelandic is the center of attention, ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: LING 3316

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  8005 MEDVL 3316   LEC 001

MEDVL 3760

Practice makes perfect, the old saying goes, but the nature of that connection remains opaque.  This course, conducted in English and intended as a sequel to FREN 3540 - On Paying Attention, gives students ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: FREN 3770RELST 3770

  • 3 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 16026 MEDVL 3760   LEC 001

MEDVL 4002

Reading and translation of Latin philosophical texts. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •  8194 MEDVL 4002   SEM 101

    • TBA
    • Brittain, C

MEDVL 4150

In this course we will focus on two major non-Chaucerian Middle English poets, the Pearl-poet and William Langland, the author of Piers Plowman. We will focus on close, linguistically careful reading of ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENGL 4150ENGL 6150MEDVL 6150

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 16248 MEDVL 4150   SEM 101

MEDVL 4352

Cosmology can be understood as the search for order in the universe, for an underlying logic that structures and renders intelligible the raw chaos of sensory experience. In this sense, the production ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • 17098 MEDVL 4352   SEM 101

MEDVL 4420

Through guided readings in Chinese of selected poems of the Tang dynasty (618-907) on various themes and in different styles, students develop the essential analytical skills for reading Tang poetry while ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: CAPS 4420CHLIT 4420CHLIT 6620

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 18033 MEDVL 4420   SEM 101

MEDVL 4618

An examination of Islamic history from 600-750, with special attention to historiography and interpretive issues. Topics to be discussed will include: Arabia and the Near East before Islam; the collection ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • 18110 MEDVL 4618   SEM 101

MEDVL 6020

Reading and translation of Latin philosophical texts. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •  8195 MEDVL 6020   SEM 101

    • TBA
    • Brittain, C

MEDVL 6120

In recent years, Beowulf has received renewed attention in popular culture, thanks to the production of two recent Beowulf movies and riveting new translations (eg. Seamus Heaney). The poem's appeal lies ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENGL 3120ENGL 6120MEDVL 3120

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  8223 MEDVL 6120   SEM 101

MEDVL 6150

In this course we will focus on two major non-Chaucerian Middle English poets, the Pearl-poet and William Langland, the author of Piers Plowman. We will focus on close, linguistically careful reading of ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENGL 4150ENGL 6150MEDVL 4150

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 16250 MEDVL 6150   SEM 101

MEDVL 6352

Cosmology can be understood as the search for order in the universe, for an underlying logic that structures and renders intelligible the raw chaos of sensory experience. In this sense, the production ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • 17121 MEDVL 6352   SEM 101

MEDVL 8010

No description available. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 2-4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  6609 MEDVL 8010   IND 601

    • TBA
    • Staff

MEDVL 8020

No description available. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 2-4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  6608 MEDVL 8020   IND 601

    • TBA
    • Galloway, A

      Hicks, A

Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 2-4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 18064 MEDVL 8020   IND 602

    • TBA
    • Hicks, A