Medieval Studies (MEDVL)Arts and Sciences

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Course descriptions provided by the Courses of Study 2015-2016.

MEDVL 1101

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Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS:Icons & Idolatry, from Rome to the Reformation

  • 17721 MEDVL 1101   SEM 101

  • For more information about First-year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS:Reading 'Riting & Ribaldry—Old French Fabliaux

  • 17722 MEDVL 1101   SEM 102

  • For more information about First-year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS: Superheroes and Semiotics

  • 17723 MEDVL 1101   SEM 103

  • For more information about First-year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS: Magic in Arthurian Legends

  • 17724 MEDVL 1101   SEM 104

  • For more information about First-year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

MEDVL 1103

No description available. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS: Otherworlds of Medieval Literature

  • 17730 MEDVL 1103   SEM 101

  • For more information about First-year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

Syllabi: none
  •   FWS Session. 

  • 3 Credits Graded

  • Topic: FWS: Fantasy from the Medieval to the Modern

  • 18399 MEDVL 1103   SEM 102

  • For more information about First-year Writing Seminars, see the Knight Institute website at

MEDVL 1740

This course explores the history of imperial China between the 3rd century b.c.e. and the 16th century c.e. with a focus on the following questions:  How did imperial Chinese states go about politically ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion. Combined with: ASIAN 1174CAPS 1740HIST 1740

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 18557 MEDVL 1740   LEC 001

  • 18785 MEDVL 1740   DIS 201

  • 18786 MEDVL 1740   DIS 202

  • 18787 MEDVL 1740   DIS 203

  • 18788 MEDVL 1740   DIS 204

MEDVL 2100

The course will survey some medieval narratives concerned with representative voyages to the otherworld or with the impinging of the otherworld upon ordinary experience. The syllabus will normally include ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENGL 2100

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 16066 MEDVL 2100   LEC 001

MEDVL 2130

Topic: Medieval Frontier Societies It's bad enough to run up against a border: at least you know where you stand. The frontier, however -- that fuzzy, murky zone that envelops the border while making its ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Choose one lecture and one discussion. Combined with: HIST 2742

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 17317 MEDVL 2130   LEC 001

  • 17319 MEDVL 2130   DIS 201

  • 17320 MEDVL 2130   DIS 202

  • 17321 MEDVL 2130   DIS 203

  • 17322 MEDVL 2130   DIS 204

MEDVL 2170

This course explores major texts and themes of the Hispanic tradition from the 11th to the 17th centuries. We will examine general questions on literary analysis and the relationship between literature ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: LATA 2170SPAN 2170

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  7590 MEDVL 2170   SEM 101

MEDVL 3120

In recent years, Beowulf has received renewed attention in popular culture, thanks to the production of two recent Beowulf movies and riveting new translations (eg. Seamus Heaney). The poem's appeal lies ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENGL 3120ENGL 6120MEDVL 6120

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  7587 MEDVL 3120   SEM 101

MEDVL 3190

An introduction to the poetry of Chaucer, often considered the "founder" of modern English literature, as well as an introduction to the literary, social, and cultural setting in which he developed his ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENGL 3190

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  7264 MEDVL 3190   SEM 101

MEDVL 3316

Old Norse is a collective term for the earliest North Germanic literary languages: Old Icelandic, Old Norwegian, Old Danish, and Old Swedish. The richly documented Old Icelandic is the center of attention, ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: LING 3316

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  7363 MEDVL 3316   LEC 001

MEDVL 3677

Unlike Moses or Jesus, Muhammad is said to have been born in the full light of history. The earliest extant biography of the Prophet, the Life of Muhammad by Ibn Hisham (d. 833), contains a full account ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • 17054 MEDVL 3677   SEM 101

MEDVL 4002

Reading and translation of Latin philosophical texts. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •  7556 MEDVL 4002   SEM 101

MEDVL 4103

The Survey is designed to introduce students to characteristic genres and discourses of Medieval Latin. The focus will be on style (the genera dicendi), and its implications for audience and genre, from ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: LATIN 4213LATIN 7213MEDVL 6103

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 17530 MEDVL 4103   SEM 101

MEDVL 4304

This seminar investigates the nexus of music, poetry, cosmology, and iconography in medieval Arabo-Persian culture from, roughly, the Sāmānids (ninth/tenth century) to the Safavids (sixteenth/seventeenth ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • 16993 MEDVL 4304   SEM 101

MEDVL 4351

Seminar topics rotate each semester. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • Topic: Ravenna

  • 16745 MEDVL 4351   SEM 101

MEDVL 4539

This course examines the culture and society of al-Andalus (Islamic Spain) from 711, when Islam arrived in Iberia, until 1492 and the demise of Nasrid Granada. Through extensive discussion and analysis ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 4 Credits Graded

  • 18923 MEDVL 4539   SEM 101

MEDVL 4540

Moses Maimonides who was born in Cordoba (1138), moved to Fez as a youth and died in Cairo (1204) is regarded by Jewish, Islamic, and Christian tradition alike as the most important Jewish religious ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • 18186 MEDVL 4540   SEM 101

MEDVL 4761

The people who invaded the isle of Britain after the withdrawal of Roman government in the early fifth century, and who dominated it until the establishment of Norman rule in the late eleventh century, ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: HIST 4761HIST 6761MEDVL 6761

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 18289 MEDVL 4761   SEM 101

MEDVL 4963

Theories of modernization have inspired, informed, and plagued histories of middle and late imperial China.  For the Song-Qing eras (roughly 10th-19th centuries), comparative studies have variously found ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • 18383 MEDVL 4963   SEM 101

MEDVL 6020

Reading and translation of Latin philosophical texts. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •  7557 MEDVL 6020   SEM 101

MEDVL 6103

The Survey is designed to introduce students to characteristic genres and discourses of Medieval Latin. In Fall 2012, the focus will be on style (the genera dicendi), and its implications for audience ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: LATIN 4213LATIN 7213MEDVL 4103

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 17528 MEDVL 6103   SEM 101

MEDVL 6120

In recent years, Beowulf has received renewed attention in popular culture, thanks to the production of two recent Beowulf movies and riveting new translations (eg. Seamus Heaney). The poem's appeal lies ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: ENGL 3120ENGL 6120MEDVL 3120

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  7588 MEDVL 6120   SEM 101

MEDVL 6304

This seminar investigates the nexus of music, poetry, cosmology, and iconography in medieval Arabo-Persian culture from, roughly, the Sāmānids (ninth/tenth century) to the Safavids (sixteenth/seventeenth ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • 16464 MEDVL 6304   SEM 101

MEDVL 6351

Seminar topics rotate each semester. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • Topic: Ravenna

  • 16740 MEDVL 6351   SEM 101

MEDVL 6540

Moses Maimonides who was born in Cordoba (1138), moved to Fez as a youth and died in Cairo (1204) is regarded by Jewish, Islamic, and Christian tradition alike as the most important Jewish religious ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • 18187 MEDVL 6540   SEM 101

MEDVL 6761

The people who invaded the isle of Britain after the withdrawal of Roman government in the early fifth century, and who dominated it until the establishment of Norman rule in the late eleventh century, ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session.  Combined with: HIST 4761HIST 6761MEDVL 4761

  • 4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  • 18290 MEDVL 6761   SEM 101

MEDVL 6963

Theories of modernization have inspired, informed, and plagued histories of middle and late imperial China.  For the Song-Qing eras (roughly 10th-19th centuries), comparative studies have variously found ... view course details

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Syllabi: none
  • 18382 MEDVL 6963   SEM 101

MEDVL 8010

No description available. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 2-4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  5842 MEDVL 8010   IND 601

    • TBA
    • Staff

MEDVL 8020

No description available. view course details

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Syllabi: none
  •   Regular Academic Session. 

  • 2-4 Credits Stdnt Opt

  •  5841 MEDVL 8020   IND 601

    • M
    • Brittain, C

      Galloway, A